Arbitration and companies financial statements

…approving the company’s financial statements (in this case, a limited liability company whose Articles of association included an arbitration clause). The Italian full text of the decision (decision no. 9115…

Model arbitration clauses

…Chamber of Commerce” – for other model clauses and further details, please see the SCC’s website; Cairo Regional Centre for International Commercial Arbitration (CRCICA): “Any dispute, controversy or claim arising…

Breach to the arbitral agreement

…just mentioned – aimed at preventing or slowing down the constitution of the arbitral tribunal or its functioning. Thus, they may not, for example, appoint an arbitrator who is compelled…

Arbitration and order for payment

…topic: that concerning the relationship between arbitration and order for payment. The case heard by the Court of Rome was quite simple. The claimant requested and obtained an order for

Sanctions and arbitrability

…third parties. This is not a new subject for practitioners of international arbitration, as it has been addressed in the past when the international community adopted sanctions, for example, against…

The Italian-Turkish BIT

…to its duration, under Article 12 the BIT remains in force for ten years and is tacitly renewed for five years. Currently, it is in the second renewal period expiring…

Setting aside of arbitral awards

…although it has formally referred to the grounds for setting aside under Article 829 of Italian Code of Civil Procedure. In other words, the claimant was seeking for a new…

Corporate arbitration: and yet it moves!

…follows. A member of a cooperative company of taxi drivers was excluded from the company (firstly by a resolution passed by the company’s General Meeting and thereafter by another resolution…